By Phil Bradley-Schmieg
As we previewed last month, it has now been confirmed that Giovanni Buttarelli will be appointed as the next European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the data protection watchdog and advisor to the various rulemaking and supervisory bodies that make up the EU. Mr Buttarelli currently serves as Deputy EDPS under Peter Hustinx.
Mr Buttarelli’s agenda is yet to be announced, but will doubtless include taking an active role in the ongoing reform of the General Data Protection Regulation. He recently declared his intention to continue increasing the activity and visibility of the EDPS role, continuing its rise in prominence under Peter Hustinx.
Mr Buttarelli, who was a keynote speaker at Covington’s recent launch of “Data Protection & Privacy Law 2nd Edition” edited by Monika Kuschewsky, will be seconded by Dr Wojciech Rafał Wiewiórowski as Deputy EDPS.