This morning, the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee (“LIBE”) formally adopted the result of the negotiations on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The text of GDPR was the outcome of trilogue negotiations between the European Parliament and Council and the Commission, which concluded on December 15, 2015. The LIBE committee approved the GDPR text by 48 votes to 4, with 4 abstentions. A full plenary vote on the GDPR will take place in the European Parliament next year. According to the LIBE committee press release, the plenary vote will probably take place in March or April of next year. Please see the press release here.
The LIBE committee has also published the consolidated version of the GDPR text. The text is available via this link, under the title: “Miscellaneous – 3_consolidated_text – Consolidated text (outcome of the trilogue of 15/12/2015).”
The GDPR text must now be approved by the Council. We understand that the committee of permanent country representatives in the Council (“Coreper”) will meet to discuss the text over the coming days. Final approval from the Council and Parliament (plenary) is expected next year. For further details on the timeline for approval of the GDPR, please see our previous blog here.