airline; GDS; OTA; PNR; passengers; DOT; department of transportation; travel agent

Personalization of the shopping experience is a hot topic in the travel industry.  It has also prompted privacy regulators to consider the implications for the consumer.  For example, the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party in April issued a letter to the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) on this topic and a

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The DOT announced today that the fourth in a series of public meetings of the Advisory Committee on Aviation Consumer Protection will focus on privacy issues. This DOT Committee has been working on various rulemaking and enforcement initiatives affecting consumer protection in air travel, but this will be the first time that privacy practices and use of data have been made the central topic of a Committee meeting. The DOT supervises airlines privacy practices because airlines are subject to sector-specific oversight (the FTC Act provides that air carriers are among the businesses excepted from the FTC’s authority to regulate unfair or deceptive business practices).
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