codes of conduct

On July 24, 2019, the European Commission (“the Commission”) published a report appraising Europe’s progress in implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) as a central component of its revamped data protection framework.  In its report, the Commission highlights certain achievements resulting from implementation efforts, calls attention to issues that require further action, and describes several ongoing and planned initiatives.  The report is a follow-up to a prior report issued in January 2018, and was informed to a great extent by the ongoing work of the Multi-stakeholder Group, which is comprised of civil society and business representatives, academics and practitioners, to support the application of the GDPR.  The report will contribute to the Commission’s formal 2-year review of the GDPR to take place in May 2020.
Continue Reading European Commission Issues Report on the Implementation of the GDPR

By Fredericka Argent 

On 21 February 2013, the ICO launched a consultation on its proposal for a new code of practice regulating the press in the UK.  The consultation is in response to the publication of the Leveson Report in November 2012, which recommended significant and wide-ranging changes to the structure and regulation of news reporting in the UK.  As we blogged here, the ICO responded to the Leveson Report with comments on the role of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “DPA”) in regulating the press and promises to issue new press guidance.

The ICO has made clear that the code of practice is not intended to create any new legally binding obligations. Rather, the proposed code will lay down guidance on the application of section 32 of the DPA, which provides an exemption from compliance with certain data protection principles where personal data is processed, among other things, with a view to the publication of journalistic material in the public interest (the so-called “special purposes” exemption).  Although the precise content of the code of practice is a work-in-progress, the ICO has proposed to cover at least the following topics:Continue Reading UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office Issues Consultation on Data Protection and the Press

As we previously described, the White House recently released a landmark privacy report, entitled Consumer Data Privacy in a Networked World, which outlines key privacy principles in its “Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights” and calls on the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) to work with industry and

Continue Reading NTIA Announces Meeting to Develop Mobile Transparency Code

Jon Leibowitz, chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, and Cameron Kerry, general counsel of the Department of Commerce, spoke today about the need for industry codes of conduct to address emerging privacy issues.  They were the featured speakers at an event held by the Brookings Institution on strategies to protect consumer privacy while ensuring continued innovation on the Internet.

As we previously discussed, the Commerce Department has called for baseline consumer privacy protections that would serve as the basis for codes of conduct that specify how the baseline principles apply in particular contexts.  At today’s event, Kerry provided more detail about the Department’s proposal.Continue Reading FTC, Commerce Department Reiterate Support for Industry Codes of Conduct