By Phil Bradley-Schmieg and Vera Coughlan. This post has been updated to include links to the final texts and comparisons with preceding drafts.
After three months of legal-linguistic checks and translations, the EU is poised to formally adopt the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its sister law, the EU Policing and Criminal Justice Data Protection Directive (PCJ DPD).
The new and likely final texts for approval were released late on Wednesday, April 6; the GDPR text can be found here, whilst the final text of the PCJ DPD can be found here. We have also published automated comparisons here and here, for the GDPR and PCJ DPD respectively.
Documents recently released by the Council of the EU (available here and here) suggest that the Council will vote to endorse these final texts by the end of this week (Friday April 7, 2016), before passing them on for approval by the European Parliament during next week’s plenary sessions (April 11-14, 2016).
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