privacy notices

The Article 29 Working Party (WP29) has published long-awaited draft guidance on transparency and consent under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).  We are continuing to analyze the lengthy guidance documents, but wanted to highlight some immediate reactions and aspects of the guidance that we think will be of interest to clients and other readers of InsidePrivacy.  The draft guidance is open for consultation until 23 January 2018.
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The FCC recently agreed to grant limited waivers for violations of its “opt out notice” rule for solicited faxes (i.e., faxes sent with the recipient’s prior express invitation or permission).  That rule requires that senders of faxes include opt-out notices on fax transmissions that contain advertisements or promotions.  The FCC
Continue Reading Parties Involved in TCPA Fax Litigation May Qualify for Relief

By Ani Gevorkian

On Monday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) finalized a rule that promotes more effective privacy disclosures and saves the financial services industry around $17 million dollars.  The new rule permits financial institutions that restrict data-sharing to post their annual privacy notices online rather than delivering them to customers individually.  The rule will be effective as soon as it is published in the Federal Register. 

Under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GBLA), a financial institution generally must send annual privacy notices to customers that describe whether and how the financial institution shares their nonpublic personal information.  An institution that shares this information with unaffiliated third parties generally must notify customers of their right to opt out of the sharing and provide instructions on how to do so.

Under the new rule, a financial institution may meet GBLA requirements by posting privacy notices online instead of distributing an annual paper copy, as long as the institution adheres to certain requirements.  For instance, the institution may not share data in ways that trigger customers’ opt-out rights.  They must also continue to send notices through existing delivery methods if the policies’ terms change or if a customer with limited internet access requests by phone to receive a notice.
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Earlier this month, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) posted its semi-annual update of its rulemaking agenda for the coming 12-month regulatory cycle, including recently-completed rulemakings.  The rulemaking agenda is part of a broader initiative led by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to publish a Unified Agenda of

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