
By David Fagan and Libbie Canter

Yesterday, the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade voted to report the Secure and Fortify Electronic Data Act (H.R. 2577) — the SAFE Data Act — to the full House Energy & Commerce Committee, moving the legislation one step closer to passage. The legislation creates a national breach notification standard that would preempt the 46 state laws (plus District of Columbia and Puerto Rico laws) that presently require entities to notify consumers of breaches of their personal information.

The legislation was introduced formally on July 19 by Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R-CA) and was approved by the Subcommittee by a voice vote that appeared to track party lines. Rep. Bono Mack had circulated a discussion draft of the SAFE Data Act last month that we discussed here.

Prior to voting the bill out of the Subcommittee, members considered several amendments to the legislation, focusing in particular on issues relating to the rulemaking authority of the Federal Trade Commission and the scope of the definition of personal information. The Subcommittee took the following actions on proposed amendments:

  • It approved an amendment offered by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) that is intended to clarify that the Act’s information security obligations apply to paper records in addition to electronic records. 
  • It approved an amendment offered by Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Pete Olson (R-TX) that appears designed to make it more difficult for the Federal Trade Commission to expand the definition of personal information. Prior to the amendment, the bill expressly authorized the FTC to modify the definition of personal information through an Administrative Procedures Act rulemaking process.

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by David Fagan, Libbie Canter, and Josephine Liu

The House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade held a hearing yesterday on draft data security legislation authored by Chairwoman Mary Bono Mack (R-CA).  The hearing was very well attended with significant substantive engagement by Subcommittee members on both sides of the aisle — an indication that the Subcommittee and the broader House Energy and Commerce Committee are committed to moving data security legislation this year.  To that end, it is worth noting that while the House last year passed legislation drafted by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) — which was re-introduced earlier this year, along with a similar legislation from Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) — Rep. Bono Mack’s legislation, the Secure and Fortify Electronic Data Act, or SAFE Data Act, is expected now to form the basis for legislation in the House this year.Continue Reading Rep. Bono Mack Circulates Data Security Bill in Advance of Subcommittee Hearing

Yesterday, the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade held its second hearing on data security in the past month.  The hearing featured the testimony of top executives from Sony and Epsilon, companies that recently have been the victims of large-scale cyber attacks.  The hearing focused mainly on the specifics

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The House Energy and Commerce Commerce has announced plans for a “comprehensive review” of privacy and data security regulation.  The announcement explained that the “first phase” of the Committee’s review would be devoted to an assessment of the need for data security legislation.  The committee will then consider what Chairman Fred

Continue Reading House Energy & Commerce Committee Outlines Privacy Agenda

By David Fagan & Libbie Canter

Last week, Congressman Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) reintroduced the Data Accountability and Trust Act (H.R. 1707).  During the 111th Congress, the House of Representatives approved the same measure by voice vote, but the legislation, introduced in the Senate by Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), did not make it out of the Senate Commerce Committee before the end of the session.  The legislation would create a federal breach notification standard and authorize the FTC to promulgate information security and data disposal regulations.

  • Scope.  The legislation covers persons engaged in interstate commerce, with certain additional requirements applicable to information brokers.  The provisions generally apply to the ownership or possession of personal information, which is defined as a person’s “first name or initial and last name, or address, or phone number, in combination with any 1 or more of [certain] data elements.”  Those data elements include social security number, driver’s license number, other government-issued identification numbers, and financial account numbers. 
  • Breach Notification.  Following discovery of any unauthorized acquisition or access to electronic data containing personal information, businesses typically would be required to notify the FTC and any resident of the United States whose personal information was acquired or accessed.  Where notice is required to 5,000 or more individuals, the major credit reporting agencies would also need to be notified.
    • Timing.  Under the bill, notification would be required not later than 60 days following discovery of the breach, with a limited number of exceptions available.
    • Content Requirement.  Consumer notifications would be required to include the date of the breach; a description of the personal information accessed; a telephone number for further inquiries; notice that the individual is entitled to receive certain credit protection products at no charge (which the Act would require businesses to furnish); and contact information for the major credit reporting agencies and the FTC.
    • Obligation to Furnish Credit Products.  The bill indicates businesses will be required to provide or arrange for the provision of free consumer credit reports on a quarterly basis and credit monitoring to affected individuals for a period of two years following a breach.  The bill directs the FTC to promulgate rules with respect to the circumstances in which such credit products will be required to be offered.
    • Risk of Harm.  There is no notification requirement or other obligations on a business if it determines there is no reasonable risk of identity theft, fraud, or other unlawful conduct.  This is presumed to be the case if the data is encrypted or otherwise unreadable, although the bill directs the FTC to promulgate regulations on the technologies that adequately render data unreadable.
    • Service Providers.  Third parties contracted to maintain or process data and service providers would be required to notify the owner of the information, which would then have the obligation to notify the FTC and consumers.

Continue Reading Rep. Rush Reintroduces Data Breach Legislation

Members of a key committee in the House have announced their intention to introduce data security legislation in the near future.  In a statement released Wednesday, Rep. Mary Bono Mack, who chairs the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade, cited the recent Sony Playstation breach in calling for
Continue Reading Rep. Bono Mack Will Introduce Data Security Legislation; Hearing Scheduled for May 4

Just a week after the Obama Administration announced its support for comprehensive privacy legislation in testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) has released a draft bill that attempts to respond to the Administration’s call for broad baseline privacy protections for consumers.   Kerry’s bill, which is co-sponsored by

Continue Reading Kerry, McCain Circulate “Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights”

The pace of privacy legislation at the federal level has begun to pick up, with news that Senator John Kerry (D-MA) and Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL) both will introduce comprehensive privacy bills in the coming days or weeks.

In discussing Senator Kerry’s proposal, staff have suggested that it will build
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