The Department of Energy and the Federal Smart Grid Task Force released the final version of a Voluntary Code of Conduct (VCC) for smart grid data privacy on Monday, several hours after President Obama heralded the release of the VCC as part of his speech on privacy and cybersecurity at the Federal Trade Commission. The VCC is the result of a multi-year effort by the Department of Energy and the Federal Smart Grid Task Force to collaborate with industry stakeholders to develop a voluntary code of conduct that addresses smart grid privacy concerns. The VCC does not supersede any federal, state, or local laws or regulations. Instead, it serves as a set of “high level principles of conduct for both utilities and third parties.” The VCC does, however, contemplate that entities could adopt the VCC with “limited exceptions” where required by other laws or regulations.
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smart grid
ENISA Publishes New Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security
In December 2012, the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) published a set of (non-binding) Guidelines titled, “Appropriate security measures for smart grids; Guidelines to assess the sophistication of security measures implementation”. The Guidelines are intended to help EU Member States and smart grid stakeholders improve the resilience of…
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Smart Grid Advocacy Group Seeks to Refute Privacy and Data Security Concerns
The Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (SGCC) recently published a fact sheet and released a web video to refute privacy and data security critiques of smart meter technology. SGCC is a non-profit that seeks “to advance the adoption of a reliable, efficient, and secure smart grid.” Its membership includes electric utility and technology companies, universities, government agencies, and environmental advocacy groups. Privacy and data security concerns have led some consumers to oppose the installation of smart meters, and even inspired lawsuits in states such as Maine and Illinois. SGCC’s recently published materials suggest that many of these concerns are based on “myths” and “urban legend.”
Smart meter privacy concerns generally focus on the amount and type of data that smart meters collect from the homes or businesses where they are installed. Some consumers are concerned that, by recording detailed information about electricity consumption, smart meters will provide electric utility companies with substantial information about their private activities. The SGCC fact sheet seeks to address these concerns, asserting that “[s]mart meters measure how much energy you use, based on time of day, not how you use that energy.” A consumer would need to have a home energy management system installed to enable more detailed data collection about whether a specific appliance is being used. Other consumer groups have expressed concern that utility companies will sell the personal information that they collect from consumers. SGCC refutes this concern by arguing that “[u]tilities adhere to strict policies, following state laws that regulate the use of personal information for business functions like billing and customer service.” Utilities already have considerable information on electricity consumption which they do not sell, and the introduction of smart meters will not change this.Continue Reading Smart Grid Advocacy Group Seeks to Refute Privacy and Data Security Concerns
Maine Supreme Court Upholds Dismissal of Smart Meter Privacy Challenge
The Maine Supreme Court recently upheld a state agency’s dismissal of a privacy challenge to the installation of smart meter technology in Maine homes and businesses. Smart meters use wireless technology to collect and transmit data to utility companies about how and when customers use electricity. While smart grid advocates argue that the use of smart meters will promote energy efficiency and customer savings, privacy advocates have raised concerns about the nature of the data that is collected. In Friedman v. Public Utilities Commission et al., Maine consumers argued, inter alia, that a utility company’s collection of information via smart meters represented a violation of the Fourth Amendment, that the Maine Public Utilities Commission had not adequately considered their privacy concerns, and that utilities could not impose extra fees on customers who opt out of using a smart meter.
The Commission issued two orders in mid-2011 requiring that the Central Maine Power Company (CMP) provide customers with an option to opt out of smart meter installation. However, under the Commission’s order, consumers who opted out would be subject to extra fees, including an initial charge and recurring monthly charges. The plaintiffs in Friedman filed a complaint with the Commission, expressing privacy and Fourth Amendment concerns, and challenging the charges on consumers who opted out of using smart meters as a “discriminatory action against those with legitimate privacy and trespass concerns.” The Commission dismissed these claims without a hearing, finding that it had already investigated and addressed the consumers’ concerns in response to prior complaints. Plaintiffs appealed to the state supreme court.Continue Reading Maine Supreme Court Upholds Dismissal of Smart Meter Privacy Challenge
Privacy by Design for smart meters
As states are initiating docket proceedings related to smart meter privacy and passing privacy protection legislation to regulate utility providers utilizing smart meters, it is interesting to note how one utility provider has taken steps towards protecting consumer privacy.
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) is a utility provider based in southern California. California has been one of the most active states in the country in proactively regulating the protection of smart grid consumer data. So SDG&E has sought to address the regulatory and consumer concerns by adopting Privacy by Design with respect to its smart meter programs.
This blog has previously covered the FTC’s adoption of Privacy by Design as a central component of its recent privacy report. The premise underlying Privacy by Design is that companies will better protect consumer data privacy if they fully incorporate safeguards and a culture of respecting privacy into the early stages of operations, rather than simply responding to legislation and regulations.Continue Reading Privacy by Design for smart meters
Smart Meter Case Update
Following up from our prior blog entry on the case of Friedman v. Maine Public Utilities Commission and Central Maine Power Company, the Maine Supreme Court issued its decision on July 12, 2012. The court rejected the petitioner’s privacy, trespassing and Fourth Amendment violation complaints over smart meter technology by…
Privacy at a cost? Recent smart meter litigation in Maine
Interesting questions are arising in relation to how to implement an “opt out” for smart meters. In many states, customer unease about the privacy and safety concerns associated with smart meters has resulted in new legislation or regulations that give customers the ability to decline the installation of a smart meter. However, smart meters enable energy efficiency and cost savings, so should customers that opt out have to pay more?
This question arose last month in the Maine Supreme Court in the case of Friedman v. Maine Public Utilities Commission and Central Maine Power Company. The court heard an appeal from the…
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