Last week the California Privacy Protection Agency (“CPPA”) held its sixth Board meeting and first meeting of 2022. The meeting notably included a discussion of the expected timing for issuing final regulations implementing the California Privacy Rights Act.
As a reminder, the Agency gave notice to the California Attorney General on October 21, 2021 that it was prepared to assume rulemaking authority. As a result, rulemaking authority will transfer from the California Attorney General to the CPPA on April 21, 2022. Executive Director Ashkan Soltani shared that the CPPA expects to complete its rulemaking in Q3 or Q4 of 2022. The CPPA will hold virtual informational hearings with experts in mid-to-late March and public stakeholder hearings in April. The staff and Board will then conduct formal rulemaking proceedings in Q2 (which requires publication of the proposed text of the regulations and a minimum of 45 days for public comment), with rulemaking to be completed in Q3 or Q4. Although this means that the CPPA will not meet the July 1, 2022 statutory deadline for its rulemaking, the Executive Director noted that this schedule allows the CPPA to balance its continued work on CPPA staffing, while also undertaking substantial information gathering to inform the rulemaking.
Previous meetings have focused on the creation of the Agency and the initial work of Board Subcommittees focused on CPPA administration, public awareness, rulemaking process, and the creation of and updates to the rules. The Board’s next meeting has not yet been scheduled.