Employees’ use of social media and other online services in their professional and personal lives has increased the risk of an employee bringing claims against a current or former employer.  In the past three years, for example, employers have had to defend against claims related to ownership of social media accounts used by former employees and claims that an employer’s social media policy violates the National Labor Relations Act.  “Bring-your-own-device” policies that allow employees to use personal smartphones, tablets, and other devices to access the employer’s e-mail systems and computer networks have raised questions about employees’ rights to privacy and employers’ obligations to comply with law and protect their confidential information.  Employer-employee disputes may increase as states adopt legislation prohibiting employers from requesting that employees provide access to personal online accounts, such as social networking profiles, instant messages, e-mails, and texts.  California, Illinois, Maryland, and Michigan each have passed laws restricting employer access to employees’ online accounts, and similar legislation has been introduced in more than thirty states. 

Ensuring that your company has appropriate insurance coverage is a critical step in managing the risk of these kinds of claims.  Join us, along with Marsh Risk Consulting ― a global leader in insurance broking and risk management, for an interactive discussion that will cover the legal and practical issues facing corporate policyholders in connection with employment-related claims and liabilities.  The presentation will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2013, from 3:00-4:30 pm at Covington & Burling, New York Times Building, 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York, 10018-1405.  A cocktail reception will follow the presentation.  There is no charge, but please RSVP to 202-662-6440 or RSVP9@cov.com by April 12th if you wish to attend.

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Photo of Lindsey Tonsager Lindsey Tonsager

Lindsey Tonsager co-chairs the firm’s global Data Privacy and Cybersecurity practice. She advises clients in their strategic and proactive engagement with the Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Congress, the California Privacy Protection Agency, and state attorneys general on proposed changes to data protection…

Lindsey Tonsager co-chairs the firm’s global Data Privacy and Cybersecurity practice. She advises clients in their strategic and proactive engagement with the Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Congress, the California Privacy Protection Agency, and state attorneys general on proposed changes to data protection laws, and regularly represents clients in responding to investigations and enforcement actions involving their privacy and information security practices.

Lindsey’s practice focuses on helping clients launch new products and services that implicate the laws governing the use of artificial intelligence, data processing for connected devices, biometrics, online advertising, endorsements and testimonials in advertising and social media, the collection of personal information from children and students online, e-mail marketing, disclosures of video viewing information, and new technologies.

Lindsey also assesses privacy and data security risks in complex corporate transactions where personal data is a critical asset or data processing risks are otherwise material. In light of a dynamic regulatory environment where new state, federal, and international data protection laws are always on the horizon and enforcement priorities are shifting, she focuses on designing risk-based, global privacy programs for clients that can keep pace with evolving legal requirements and efficiently leverage the clients’ existing privacy policies and practices. She conducts data protection assessments to benchmark against legal requirements and industry trends and proposes practical risk mitigation measures.