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December 16 Artificial Intelligence The European Parliament Research Service published a study on biometrics and AI, with recommendations for the draft Artificial Intelligence Act. Link.
December 15 Cybersecurity The UK Government published its 2022 National Cyber Strategy.  The strategy is built around five core pillars:
  • strengthening the UK cyber ecosystem, investing in our people and skills and deepening the partnership between government, academia and industry;
  • building a resilient and prosperous digital UK, reducing cyber risks so businesses can maximize the economic benefits of digital technology and citizens are secure online and confident that their data is protected;
  • taking the lead in the technologies vital to cyber power, building our industrial capability and developing frameworks to secure future technologies;
  • advancing UK global leadership and influence for a more secure, prosperous and open international order, working with government and industry partners and sharing the expertise that underpins UK cyber power; and
  • detecting, disrupting and deterring our adversaries to enhance UK security in and through cyberspace, making more integrated, creative and routine use of the UK’s full spectrum of levers .
December 15 Cybersecurity The European Commission, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (“ENISA”), CERT-EU and the network of the EU national computer security incident response teams issued a joint statement on the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of the open source Java logging package Log4j, which is maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.   Many EU Member State cybersecurity authorities issued their own statements.  The UK National Cyber Security Centre also issued a statement. Link.

UK: Link and link.

December 14 Digital Services The European Parliament committee adopted a position on the Digital Services Act proposal. Link.
December 14 Other The European Commission Joint Research Centre published a report on trustworthy autonomous vehicles. Link.
December 14 Artificial Intelligence The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (“ENISA”) published a report on artificial intelligence called “Securing Machine Learning Algorithm”. EU: Link.
December 6 Cybersecurity The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (“ENISA”) published a report on Sim Swapping Fraud. Link.
December 6 Other The European Commission published the results of its open public consultation on Data Act. Link.
December 3 Cybersecurity The Council of the EU adopted a new version of the “NIS2” Directive, which will replace the current directive on security of network and information systems (the NIS directive).  The directive sets out measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the EU, to further improve the resilience and incident response capacities of both the public and private sector and the EU as a whole. Link.
December 1 Cybersecurity The UK National Cyber Security Center announced that it will introduce the biggest update to Cyber Essentials technical controls since its launch.  Cyber Essentials is a cybersecurity scheme backed by the UK government.  The UK National Cyber Security Center also announced that it changed the pricing structure of the scheme. Link.


December 1 Cybersecurity The European Parliament published a progress report on the NIS2 Directive. Link.


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Photo of Dan Cooper Dan Cooper

Daniel Cooper is co-chair of Covington’s Data Privacy and Cyber Security Practice, and advises clients on information technology regulatory and policy issues, particularly data protection, consumer protection, AI, and data security matters. He has over 20 years of experience in the field, representing…

Daniel Cooper is co-chair of Covington’s Data Privacy and Cyber Security Practice, and advises clients on information technology regulatory and policy issues, particularly data protection, consumer protection, AI, and data security matters. He has over 20 years of experience in the field, representing clients in regulatory proceedings before privacy authorities in Europe and counseling them on their global compliance and government affairs strategies. Dan regularly lectures on the topic, and was instrumental in drafting the privacy standards applied in professional sport.

According to Chambers UK, his “level of expertise is second to none, but it’s also equally paired with a keen understanding of our business and direction.” It was noted that “he is very good at calibrating and helping to gauge risk.”

Dan is qualified to practice law in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Belgium. He has also been appointed to the advisory and expert boards of privacy NGOs and agencies, such as the IAPP’s European Advisory Board, Privacy International and the European security agency, ENISA.