Covington will be hosting a book launch for the 2014 title ‘Data Protection & Privacy Law 2nd Edition’, edited by Monika Kuschewsky, in partnership with The European Lawyer (Thomson Reuters) on September 23, 2014 in Brussels. The event will comprise a half-day workshop followed by a drinks reception. We are pleased to confirm that the speakers will include:

  • Bruno Gencarelli  Head of Unit, Data Protection, European Commission, Directorate-General Justice
  • Giovanni Buttarelli – Assistant Supervisor, European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
  • Rosa Barceló  Head of Sector, Digital privacy, European Commission, Directorate-General CONNECT

The Future of Data Protection – Europe and Beyond

Get first hand insight regarding the current status of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and next steps
Hear about the status of the EU General Data Protection Regulation after the elections of the EU Parliament and the change in EU Justice Commissioner. Mr. Gencarelli will give an update on the latest developments regarding the important reform proposal and an outlook into next steps.

Hear from a regulator about the future role of data protection authorities
Mr. Buttarelli will join the discussion and provide his comments from a regulator’s perspective on the EU data protection reform proposal.

Learn more about the European Commission’s initiatives in the area of digital privacy
Ms. Barceló will highlight some of the European Commission initiatives in the area of digital privacy. The Directorate-General CONNECT manages the Digital Agenda and its portfolio covers themes such as cloud computing, cybersecurity as well as the Internet of Things and Big Data.

Regional updates
The workshop will be rounded off by presentations from some of the authors on the latest developments in the area of data protection law in their respective regions.

The event is free to attend, and attendees will receive a free copy of the book. If you or any of your colleagues would like to attend, please click here to RSVP.