Coordinated Enforcement Framework

On January 17, 2024, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) published its report on the 2023 Coordinated Enforcement Framework (“CEF”), which examines the current landscape and obstacles faced by data protection officers (“DPOs”) across the EU.  In particular, the report provides a snapshot of the findings of each supervisory authority (“SA”) on the role of DPOs, with a particular focus on (i) the challenges DPOs face and (ii) recommendations to mitigate and address these obstacles in light of the GDPR.  This blog post summarizes the key findings of the EDPB’s 2023 CEF report.Continue Reading EDPB 2023 Coordinated Enforcement Framework on DPOs: What Are the Key Takeaways for Organizations?

On January 18, 2023, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) published a report on the outcome of its investigation into the use of cloud-based services by the public sector.

The EDPB prepared the report as part of its first coordinated enforcement action under the Coordinated Enforcement Framework (“Framework”), a key part of the EDPB’s 2021-2023 strategy. The Framework facilitates coordinated actions between the EDPB and national data protection authorities to (i) share information and best practices on a topic related to data privacy, and (ii) provide recommendations to better support compliance with data protection laws. Through the Framework, the EDPB and national authorities investigate compliance with a specific data protection topic each year; in 2023, the EDPB will investigate the designation and role of data protection officers (“DPOs”).

This blog summarizes the main takeaways of the 2022 Coordinated Enforcement Action, and highlights its most relevant data privacy concerns.Continue Reading EDPB Releases Outcome of its Investigation into the Use of Cloud-Based Services by the Public Sector