Photo of Natalie Maas

Natalie Maas

Natalie is an associate in the firm’s San Francisco office, where she is a member of the Food, Drug, and Device, and Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice Groups. She advises pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and food companies on a broad range of regulatory and compliance issues.

Natalie also maintains an active pro bono practice, with a particular focus on health care and reproductive rights.

On January 22, the New York state legislature passed the New York Health Information Privacy Act (S929 / A2141) (“NYHIP”). If signed into law, NYHIP would join Washington and Nevada in a growing trend of states regulating consumer health information. Though NYHIP contains many similarities with laws in Washington and Nevada, there are a few unique provisions, as discussed below. Among them, NYHIP applies to “Regulated Health Information” or “RHI” that is defined as “any information that is reasonably linkable to an individual, or a device, and is collected or processed in connection with the physical or mental health of an individual.” Unlike the health privacy laws in Washington and Nevada, NYHIP does not provide an inclusive list of health data.

NYHIP would require regulated entities to obtain a “valid authorization” prior to processing RHI unless such processing is “strictly necessary” for certain enumerated purposes, including providing a product or service requested by the individual or certain limited internal business operations. NYHIP does not clarify what it means for a processing activity to be considered “strictly necessary.”

Where such an authorization is required, a valid authorization must, among other requirements: 

  • Be made at least twenty-four (24) hours after an individual creates an account or first uses the requested product or service; and
  • If multiple categories of processing are involved, provide an ability to “provide/withhold” authorization for each category separately.

Continue Reading New York Legislature Passes Health Privacy Act

On September 20, 2024, California Governor Newsom signed into law SB 976, the Protecting Our Kids from Social Media Addiction Act (the “Act”). The Act defines and prohibits an “addictive internet-based service or platform” from providing an “addictive feed” to a minor unless the platform has previously obtained verifiable parental consent. The Act will take effect on January 1, 2025, and the California Attorney General will promulgate regulations on age assurance and parental consent by January 1, 2027. This post summarizes the law’s key provisions. The law includes several technical definitions and exceptions, which are explained at the end of this post.Continue Reading California Passes Law to Protect Minors from “Addictive Feeds”

On September 26, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (“HHS OCR”) announced that it had settled its cybersecurity investigation with Cascade Eye and Skin Centers, P.C. (“Cascade”), a privately-owned health care provider in Washington.  For background, HHS OCR is responsible for administering and enforcing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended, and its implementing regulations, which include the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules (collectively, “HIPAA”).  Among other things, HIPAA requires that regulated entities take steps to protect the privacy and security of patients’ protected health information (“PHI”).Continue Reading HHS OCR Settles Ransomware Cybersecurity Investigation for $250,000

On June 18, 2024, Louisiana enacted HB 577, prohibiting “social media platforms” with more than 1 million users globally from displaying targeted advertising to Louisiana users that the platform has actual knowledge are under 18 years of age and from selling the sensitive personal data of such users. The law amends the effective date of the state social media law, the Louisiana Secure Online Child Interaction and Age Limitation Act (“the SOCIAL Act”), to July 1, 2025. HB 577 also will take effect on July 1, 2025. This post summarizes the law’s key provisions.Continue Reading Louisiana Bans Targeted Advertising to Minors on Social Media Platforms

Last month, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced its enforcement action against telehealth firm, Cerebral, Inc. (“Cerebral”), for its alleged unauthorized disclosures of consumers’ sensitive personal health information and other sensitive data to third parties for advertising purposes in violation of the FTC Act.  The complaint also alleges that Cerebral violated the Opioid Addiction Recovery Fraud Prevention Act (“OARFPA”), and the Restore Online Shoppers’ Confidence Act (“ROSCA”), which permits the court to order permanent injunctive relief, civil penalties, and other monetary relief for actions in violations of specific sections of the FTC Act, the OARFPA, and the ROSCA.  According to the proposed order, Cerebral must pay more than $7 million in civil penalties and consumer refunds.  In addition, Cerebral will be banned from using or disclosing consumers’ personal and health information (including online identifiers, such as IP addresses or other persistent identifiers) for advertising and must obtain consumers’ affirmative express consent before disclosing such information to outside parties.

Below is a discussion of the complaint and proposed order.Continue Reading FTC Announces Health Privacy Enforcement Action Against Telehealth Company, Cerebral

On April 24, 2024, President Biden signed into law H.R. 815, which includes the Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024 (“the Act”), a bill that passed the House 414-0 as H.R. 7520 on March 20.  The Act is one of several recent actions by the U.S. government to regulate transfers of U.S. personal data for national security reasons, with a particular focus on China.  While the ultimate policy objectives are similar, the Act takes a different approach by comparison to the Biden Administration’s Executive Order on Preventing Access to Americans’ Bulk Sensitive Personal Data and United States Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern (“the EO”), which the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) is in the process of implementing.  We summarize below some key features of the Act, which will go into effect on June 23, 2024.Continue Reading Congress Passes Bill Prohibiting Sharing or Selling Americans’ Sensitive Data to Entities Controlled by Foreign Adversaries

On March 18, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (“HHS OCR”) updated its “Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates” guidance addressing how regulated entities may use tracking technologies on their websites and mobile applications in a manner compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as amended, and its implementing regulations (collectively, “HIPAA”).  The guidance, originally published in December 2022, states that HIPAA-regulated entities are not permitted to leverage tracking technologies in ways that would result in an impermissible disclosure of protected health information (“PHI”) or other violation of HIPAA.  The guidance also emphasizes the importance of safeguarding PHI and notes that regulated entities may not share PHI with tracking technology vendors (e.g., third-party advertisers) absent a business associate agreement (“BAA”) with the vendor or pursuant to a patient authorization. Continue Reading HHS OCR Updates Tracking Technologies Guidance

Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (“HELP”) Committee, published on February 21, 2024, a white paper with various proposals to update privacy protections for health data. In Part 1 of this blog series (see here), we discussed the first section of Senator Cassidy’s February 21, 2024, white paper. Specifically, we summarized Senator Cassidy’s proposals on how to update the existing framework of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as amended, and its implementing regulations (collectively, “HIPAA”) without disrupting decades of case law and precedent. In this blog post, we discuss the other sections of the white paper, namely proposals to protect other sources of health data not currently covered by HIPAA.Continue Reading Senator Cassidy Issues White Paper with Proposals to Update Health Data Privacy Framework – Part 2: Safeguarding Health Data Not Covered by HIPAA 

On February 21, 2024, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (“HELP”) Committee, issued a white paper, “Strengthening Health Data Privacy for Americans: Addressing the Challenges of the Modern Era”, which proposes several updates to the privacy protections for health data. This follows Senator Cassidy’s September 2023 request for information from stakeholders about how to enhance health data privacy protections covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) framework and to consider privacy protections for other sources of health data not currently covered by HIPAA. The white paper notes that several entities, including trade associations, hospitals, health technology companies, and think tanks, responded to the RFI.Continue Reading Senator Cassidy Issues White Paper with Proposals to Update Health Data Privacy Framework – Part 1: Updates to the HIPAA Framework